L'il Squirt has a heart condition known as complete AVSD and we're learning SO about cardiovascula

We're lucky to have some nurses in the family who have been so great about giving support and ideas of things to consider in the upcoming weeks and there are DS moms out there who have saved my sanity and sleep countless times. (One of my favorites is Jane. I knew she was an angel sent from God when she used an expletive within the first two minutes of our phone conversation. Trust me, folks. I firmly believe in faith and the power of prayer, but there are also aspects of all of this that deserve a loud and healthy "Holy S***". I knew I was in good hands when she delivered each of hers passionately and perfectly on cue.)
We'll keep you posted as things progress but these posts may, indeed, be on their way to becoming quite a bit more colorful...
Congrats :)
Both of my girls had AVSD and had repairs done at 5 months and the other at 5 years old. I'd be happy to talk with you about it as well- from Momma's perspective rather than the nurse's. Sounds like you're in good hands though. mkp1982@hotmail.com
Are you a mommy yet? Keep us posted!
Hooray for your little angel! She is one of the luckiest girls around having you and Justin in her life! Can't wait to see her!
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